If you do not have a modem or an E-Mail-address, you can, of course, write or call us. Unfortunately we can't send new versions via postal letters, because of money reasons.
@node "Bug Reports" "Bugs"
@{b}BUG REPORTS:@{ub}
Since we are not perfect and all first versions have BUGS, we would be very happy to hear about any ERRORS. Of course we're strongly interested in running MCP on all machines BUG-free. Thats why we are grateful about any objective criticism. But, before you send us a BUG report please ask yourself the following:
* Has the MCP been installed properly?
* Are ALL system requirements fulfilled?
* Have you removed ALL programs, doing the same or nearly the same thing?
* Has the MCP-config file been changed only with the Prefs-Program
@{i}(changing by hand is not recommended and may be "deadly" if not done
If you can answer all the questions with a simple "YES", you may tell us the BUG. A highly exact description of it is very important. The more exact the bug description the more quickly the BUG may be removed! If someone, who's not registered, finds a BUG, you must also report your system-configuration (type of machine, processor, kickstart; see the @{"Registration Form" link "registrationform" 0} section) and the version number of MCP. This report should be sent to one of the @{"authors" link "Authors" 0}.
@{i}Note: Every mail will be answered !!@{ui}
@node "Developer" "Developer"
We invite any programmers to volunteer to code small parts for themselves and for us. For instance, a Pointer-Prefs-Program for the 16 color pointer or a new function for MCP.
Unfortunately we have no time to code such programs ourselves. That's why we would be happy for any help offered. If anybody wants to code himself, you should contact one of the @{"authors" link "Authors" 0} and we will send you special developer information.
@node "Distribution" "Distribution"
MCP is FreeWare! It's really a great program, but it isn't released as ShareWare. Nowadays everbody makes his program ShareWare. What's up guys? Don't make money! Make good tools!
You are free to distribute MCP as long as the original archive is kept in tact. Commercial use or its inclusion in other software packages is expressly prohibited without prior contsent from the @{"Authors" link "Authors" 0}. You are not allowed to make money with the distribution of MCP, especially the selling price of the disk with MCP may not be higher then $5 or the same amount in other currency respectively.
@node "Features" "Features"
# @{fg fill}QUICK JUMP SECTION@{fg text} #
# #
# @{fg shine}LISTS@{fg text} #
# @{" CRUNCHPATCH " link "fet_crunchpatch" 0} #
# @{" TOOLALIAS " link "fet_toolalias" 0} #
# @{" ASSIGNPREFS " link "fet_assignprefs" 0} #
# @{" MEMORY PATCH " link "fet_memorypatch" 0} #
# @{" REQTIMEOUT " link "fet_reqtimeout" 0} #
# @{" PROMOTOR " link "fet_promotor" 0} #
# @{" HOTKEYS " link "fet_hotkeys" 0} #
@{" SAVE * USE * TEST * CANCEL " link "fet_saveusetest" 0}
@{" ALERTHISTORY " link "fet_alerthistory" 0}
@{" APPCHANGE " link "fet_appchange" 0}
@{" ASSIGNPREFS " link "fet_assignprefs" 0}
@{" ASSIGNWEDGE " link "fet_assignwedge" 0}
@{" BORDERBLANK " link "fet_borderblank" 0}
@{" CACHEFONT " link "fet_cachefont" 0}
@{" CAPSSHIFT " link "fet_capsshift" 0}
@{" CENTERSCREEN " link "fet_centerscreen" 0}
@{" COPYMEMQUICK " link "fet_copymemquick" 0}
@{" CRUNCHPATCH " link "fet_crunchpatch" 0}
@{" DEFPUBSCREEN " link "fet_defpubscreen" 0}
@{" FRAMEIHACK " link "fet_frameihack" 0}
@{" FONTSEARCH " link "fet_fontsearch" 0}
@{" FORCE NEWLOOK " link "fet_forcenewlook" 0}
@{" FORMATPROTECT " link "fet_formatprotect" 0}
@{" HIRESPOINTER " link "fet_hirespointer" 0}
@{" HOTKEYS " link "fet_hotkeys" 0}
@{" LEFTYMOUSE " link "fet_leftymouse" 0}
@{" LIBSEARCH " link "fet_libsearch" 0}
@{" LOCKPATCH " link "fet_lockpatch" 0}
@{" MAPUMLAUTS " link "fet_mapumlauts" 0}
@{" MEMORY PATCH " link "fet_memorypatch" 0}
@{" MOUSESPEEDER " link "fet_mousespeeder" 0}
@{" MOVEWINDOW " link "fet_movewindow" 0}
@{" NEWEDIT " link "fet_newedit" 0}
@{" NOCAPSLOCK " link "fet_nocapslock" 0}
@{" NOCLICK " link "fet_noclick" 0}
@{" NOGURU " link "fet_noguru" 0}
@{" NOTOPAZ " link "fet_notapaz" 0}
@{" ONEREQ " link "fet_onereq" 0}
@{" PATCHOPENWB " link "fet_patchopenwb" 0}
@{" PATCHRGB32 " link "fet_patchrgb32" 0}
@{" POINTERBLANK " link "fet_pointerblank" 0}
@{" POINTERPATCH " link "fet_pointerpatch" 0}
@{" PROCESSOR " link "fet_processor" 0}
@{" PROMOTOR " link "fet_promotor" 0}
@{" PROPHACK " link "fet_prophack" 0}
@{" PUBMODES " link "fet_pubmodes" 0}
@{" QUICKLAYERS " link "fet_quicklayers" 0}
@{" QUIETTD " link "fet_quiettd" 0}
@{" REQTIMEOUT " link "fet_reqtimeout" 0}
@{" REQTOOLSPATCH " link "fet_rtpatch" 0}
@{" SAVEGIRPORT " link "fet_savegirport" 0}
@{" SCREENACTIVATION " link "fet_screensact" 0}
@{" SCREENBLANKER " link "fet_screenblanker" 0}
@{" SCREENDIMMER " link "fet_screendimmer" 0}
@{" SCREENSMENU " link "fet_screensmenu" 0}
@{" SETDRIPENS " link "fet_setdripens" 0}
@{" SIZEWINDOW " link "fet_sizewindow" 0}
@{" SUNOPTIONS " link "fet_sunoptions" 0}
@{" SYSIHACK " link "fet_sysihack" 0}
@{" TOOLALIAS " link "fet_toolalias" 0}
@{" TOOLTYPES " link "fet_tooltypes" 0}
@{" WAITVALIDATE " link "fet_waitvalidate" 0}
@{" WBCLOCK " link "fet_wbclock" 0}
@{" WBTITLE " link "fet_wbtitle" 0}
@{" WBTITLEACTIVE " link "fet_wbtitleactive" 0}
@{" WILDSTAR " link "fet_wildstar" 0}
@node "fixjump" "FixJump"
@{b}FixJump V1.0@{ub}
(C) Copyright 1995 by ALiENDESiGN
This programs will fix all problems with jumping bootpictures.
Start it before your bootpicture program and after the needing monitors in your startup-sequence. It's not allowed to open a screen before the FixJump command and therefore it's recommended to start the needed monitors, then call FixJump and then start the Picviewer.
For Example:
.... all other calls follow here
@{u}How does it work@{uu}:
It will set the right overscan values in all started monitors. It only loads the overscan.prefs out of the ENVARC:.
Stefan "zerocom" Sommerfeld
Kaulbachstr. 3
14612 Falkensee
Phone: +49-[0]3322-202452
E-Mail: zerocom@cs.tu-berlin.de
or call our support BBS: @{"eViL moOn!" link "supportbbs" 0} +49-[0]3322-208768 ( V.everything )
@node "historyguide" "History of Guidefile"
@{b}History of Guidefile@{ub}
(The english and german guide are written by Hermes Trismegistus)
0.90 First rough draft.
1.00 First offical release to developer.
1.10 Some link errors fixed.
1.20 Added updated history file for MCP104.
1.30 Added new improved German to English translation to guidefile.
Used 3.0 guidefile code (as I got new ROMs).
Added bold, italic, wordwrap.
Added many new buttons and links to accommodate new text.
Removed "AlienDesign" logo on front page because backslash was
messing up the internal amigaguide 3.0 format codes.
Included "AConv" program to change 3.xx code to 2.xx code.
1.31 Added updated history file from MCP105beta.
Added "Force NewLook menus" link to guide.
Added "Index" link to guide.
Removed nasty space-errors using "HeddleyFix" @{i}(to be used with all
subsequent guides)@{ui}.
1.32 Added new "AlienDesign" Logo with added code to circumvent 3.0
guidefile format quarks.
Added "WorldMap" link.
Added "GuideFile History" link.
Removed guide wordwrapping as it seems to be messing up.
Fixed "MCP Manual Config" page as the wordwrapping from the
previous version messed it up.
Added updated MCP105 history file
Added "FixJump" program to support programs section
Added "One Req" link to guide
1.33 Fixed messed up Liability Section
Inserted last minute doc changes from programmers
Fixed several truncated pages @{i}(Have no idea why this happened?
Possibly from E-Mail transfer of guide to developer.)@{ui}
Added Quick-Jump Page-lists links to Feature page
First coding of German (v1.33g) guidefile.
1.35 Added MCP V1.10 features and history
Removed "MCP Manual Config" Page
@node "historymcp" "History of MCP"
@{b} History of MCP
The programmer: {s}:Stefan, {m}:Michael, {v}:Vincent
This doesn't mean, that each programmer only revise your own routines!
>>USER<< is the name of the user, who reported the bug.
- {s} ADDED first patch support (recommented by ARQ)
e.g. PatchControl ARQ
the patches from the task named ARQ will be inserted before
all other patches. (Wildcards are supported)
- {s} FIXED the format! Old TaskStructure is now only the TaskName!
- {v} ADDED ShowPatches-program to the archive
@node "Installation" "Installation"
@{u}Automatic method:@{uu}
The easiest way of installing MCP is via the supplied Installer-Script. The script is written in such a way that nothing will be overcopied! Please remove all programs which have the same or nearly the same functions as MCP, since they could cause Problems. After the successfull installation you must insert the MCP-call to the startup-sequence. This call should be early in the script to use all functions.
@{bg shine} z.B. Startup-Sequence:@{bg back}
C:SetPatch QUIET
C:PatchControl (included since V1.02)
... all the following commands are placed here !
Please do not change the Hunks in the MCP !!! (e.g. with Hunkmerge from Imploder)
*** OR ***
@{u}Manual method:@{uu}
Copy the appropriate MCP program (68000/68020+) to your "C:" directory.
Copy the @{"PatchControl" link "Supportprograms" 0} program to your "C:" directory.
Copy the "mcpsupport.library" into your "LIBS:" directory.
Copy the "mcpgfx.library" into your "LIBS:" directory.
Copy the "MCPPrefs" program into your "Prefs" directory.
Copy the contents of "ENVARC:" into their respected places.
Copy the "Reqtools.library" to your "Libs:" drawer.
Copy "GuruHistory" and "MCP.gurudat" to your "S:" directory.
(be sure to set the default paths for these files in the
MCPPrefs program)
Copy the documentation to your preferred location.
Add the following lines to your "Startup-Sequence" file:
C:SetPatch QUIET
C:PatchControl (included since V1.02)
...all the following commands are placed here !
@{b}Important:@{ub} If you are using ARQ and you want to have both ARQ and the @{"Assignwedge" link "fet_assignwedge" 0} operating, you must start MCP like this:
c:Patchcontrol ARQ
@node "Introduction" "Introduction"
Some time ago, in July 1994, a new project began: a Workbench-Utility incorporating a diverse set of features, features which nobody had ever dared to put into one small package. First, only a few, small features were implemented; but then, MCP became more powerful. Now it's time for the whole world to enjoy MCP. The routines are compatible and usable on (hopefully) all Amiga machines. Try MCP and you will see that you can't live without it!
At the designing stage, we ardently renounced the support of Kickstart 1.x, since every serious AMIGA-User is working on Kickstart 2.x or 3.x. We would be happy if MCP is used often, and we promise to continue to develope MCP.
MCP was coded to optimize your Amiga operating-environment. It will greatly unburden your startup-sequence by replacing many of those single-package utilities. Furthermore, the code of MCP is mostly implemented in a more professional and CPU-effecient way. This is one of the first public releases of MCP. There are certainly some @{"bugs" link "Bugs" 0} in it, and we hope that many of you will help us to remove them so that MCP can be the best all-encompassing utility available.
For those users of MagicCX we want you to refer to the following advantages:
-it is FreeWare !
-it doesn't use as much memory (in comparison to the functionality)
-it offers extraordinary characteristics, which can't be found in
@{b}Features of MCP:@{ub}
- PropHack
- HiresPointer
- Waitvalidate
- NewEdit
- Assign-Manager
- WBTitle-Clock
- ReqToolsPatch
- moving full windows (fully systemconform)
- sizing of full windows (fully systemconform)
- PackerPatch (every program can load crunched files)
- 16 colour Mouse-Pointer
- new Workbench-Titlebar
- complex Promotor
- FormatProtect
- ToolAlias (changing the Default Tool in the icons)
- CacheFont
- ToolType Extension (additional ToolTypes for Games etc.)
- MouseAccelerator
- DriveNoClick
- setting DRI Pens
- AssignWedge
- automatic Screen Activation
- Requester Timeout
- exchange AppIcons
- exchange TopazFont
- Blanker (supports SwazBlanker and GarshneBlanker)
- Dimmer
- MousePointer-Blanker
- Guru-History (saving of all Guru's)
- NoGuru
- PatchRGB32
- Screensmenu (for comfortable selection of screens)
- patch for memorymanagement (e.g. turning off the ChipMem)
- DOS star (* instead of #?)
- NewLook Menus
- Hotkeys
- MUI-Preference-Program
- programmed in 100% Assembler
and some else.
@node "Liability" "LIABILITY"
@{fg shine}@{bg shadow}With the usage of MCP you agree to the following announcement-declaration:@{fg text}@{bg back}
@node "Muifo" "MUI Info"
The MCPPrefs program uses MUI - MagicUserInterface
(c) Copyright 1993-95 by Stefan Stuntz
MUI is a system to generate and maintain graphical user interfaces. With the aid of a preferences program, the user of a @{b}MUI@{ub}-application has the ability to customize the outfit according to his personal taste.
MUI is distributed as shareware. To obtain a complete package containing lots of examples and more information about registration please look for a file called "muiXXusr.lha" (XX means the latest version number) on your local bulletin boards, public domain disks, or any Aminet sight.
If you want to register directly, feel free to send DM 30.- or US$ 20.- to
Stefan Stuntz
80935 M
Phone: +49-89-313-1248
E-Mail: stuntz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de
It is not necessary to register MUI to use MCPPrefs, but you should consider registering, as you will be able to save the graphical look of MCPPrefs.
MUI is needed by the "MCP Prefs" program only. The main MCP runs independently from MUI and from its libraries.
It's enough to have the 'muimaster.library' in your 'LIBS:' directory to start the Prefsprogram.@{ui}
@node "NewIdeas" "New Ideas!"
@{b}NEW IDEAS:@{ub}
If anybody has other ideas, other than those already present in the @{"TODO" link "ToDo" 0} section, you should tell us. We will try to included them in future versions of MCP.
@node "Registration" "Registration"
MCP is FreeWare and MailWare! We hope, that many of you use this program and that through your letters and registration, we can remove as many bugs as fast as possible. If you have written an own program, we would be happy if you send us a keyfile.
We would invite whoever uses MCP to register FOR FREE. All registered users will receive the latest version of MCP via E-Mail and will receive all the beta-versions of it. Also, we would be happy, if you do not have an E-Mail address, that you register by snail-mail, because we're interested in how many people are using MCP regularly.
Please note that the statement about city and land in the @{"registration form" link "registrationform" 0} is really important to us because we are marking all the users on a big @{"world-map" link "worldmap" 0}. This world map will be included in future versions of MCP.
For those, who have no E-Mail-address, the latest version is available via modem at the following @{"support-BBS" link "supportbbs" 0}. You can also post your registration information, suggestions, and any questions there too.
If you do not have a Modem or E-Mail-address, you can, of course, write or call us @{"(Authors)" link "Authors" 0}. Unfortunately we can't send new versions via postal letters, because of money reasons.
@node "registrationform" "Registration Form"
@{b} - Registration Form:@{ub}
Please send the registration form below, or the equilvent of its information, to @{b}ONE@{ub} of the @{"Authors'" link "Authors" 0} E-Mail or Snail-Mail addresses.
If anybody is willing to spend some money for the MCP-Support, we would be very happy. With this money we would improve the Support of MCP by sending more versions via snail-mail and spend a couple of disk on computer fairs.
Please send this money via postal letters to one of the authors.
@node "Requirements" "System Requirements"
- An Amiga Computer (the most powerful machine around!)
- Kickstart V2.04 or higher
- A MC68000/MC68010 or at least a MC68020 (for the 020 version)
- @{"MUI" link "Muifo" 0} (Magic User Interface) V2.2 or greater (for the MCP Prefs)
To get access to the MCP-support-page, you have to enter 'yes' at the beginning. After that, you will be asked some personal things, like address and type of machine. Next, you may enter 'update', and you will get a special menu, where you will be able to choose some actions like 'Upload', 'Download', 'Bugreport' a.s.o.
@{i}Note: On your next call to EViL MoON, you will not have to fill in the registeration information, as you will already be in the system.@{ui}
@node "supportprograms" "Support Programs"
@{b}- Support Programs:@{ub}
@{u} PatchControl:@{uu} This program enables system patches to be removed safely without having to reboot the machine or causing it to crash. MCP needs this program running for many of its features.
@{u} ConvertAP:@{uu} This program converts the assigns from the program "AssignmentPrefs" to MCP format. After running this program MCP will take over these assignments and you can discontinue the use of "AssignmentPrefs."
@{u} ConvertAM:@{uu} This program converts the assigns from the program "AssignmentManager" to MCP format. After running this program MCP will take over these assignments and you can discontinue the use of "AssignmentManager."
@{u} FixJump:@{uu} This program stops that annoying jumping from occuring when displaying a boot picture while Iprefs loads. This program is provided as an @{i}extra@{ui} and is not internally part of MCP. See accompanied section @{"FixJump" link "fixjump" 0} for more information.
@{i}Note: The Install script runs ConvertAP and ConvertAM automatically.@{ui}
@node "Thanks" "Thanks"
A "thank you" to the following people:
- Torsten Bach (LSI) for Betatesting, new ideas, the icons and the first
german documentation
- Hermes Trismegistus for coding the English and German Guidefile and
for grammer checking the English Guidefile translation.
- Michael Gollmick for making the english translation
- One for the '_asl.library'
- Eetu Ojanen for the suomi.catalog
- David Le Corfec for the fran
ais.catalog and the french guide
- all Betatesters of the MCP
- all registered users
- all people who sent us Bugreports and new suggestions
- Eric Totel for his wonderfull MUI-Builder
- Nico Fran
ois for his cool ReqTools.library
- T.F.A for the great ASM-One V1.28
- Stefan Stunz for MUI.
- Commodore for the Amiga, one of the best computers ever built!
... Have fun with the MCP !
@node "ToDo" "Things to Do"
Busypointer Anim
Formatter (start Formatprogram if you insert a Non Dos disk)
Exploding windows
HuntWindows (jump to the part of screen where the window was opened, for
autoscroll screens)
Menu Wrap (press RightMouse and the pointer will jump to the menuline)
WindowSize (like Unix)
DoCMB (Doubleclick on MiddleMouseButton)
MagicMenu (but a BETTER look)
HD-Floppy fix (that you can use two HD-Floppies at the same time)
Powermanagement while blanking
Blitzblanker support
Hotkey for Shiftkey (Carsten Gellert)
WBRandomPicture (Chris Foote)
all Reqchange features (Shortcuts for Gadgets)
(Andre Jonsson)
change the scrollbar while sizing the window (Andre Jonsson)
QuietSCSI also for GVP-Boards (Volker Remuss)
WBGauge (Michael Gollmick)
ReKeyit (Michael Gollmick)
MapRom, FastRom
Alt-key and Numeric-keypad to make ascii-values
dimm all screens when dragging (Richard P. Harrison)
support Caches on 68060 (Thomas Frensch)
SavePatch in Crunchpatch
graphical Chipmem, Fastmem (Volker Eickhoff)
WindowDaemon to close all windows if a new was opened (Karlheinz
Move/Size window don't works with 'simulated' left mousebutton
(Andre Jonsson)
better check for real gurus in the guru-history
no blank if Carrier detect (Carsten Gellert)
better Pointerblanker (Jani Kannosto)
if a requester appears while blanking, the black screen goes back and will
never been closed (Claus Koch)
@node "Usage" "Usage"
Use the Prefs-program to set your configuration. Please note that the Prefsprogram only needs the 'muimaster.library' in your 'LIBS:' directory to run, so you must not have installed the whole MUI-package.
MCP requires the program @{"PatchControl" link "Supportprograms" 0} to be running, in order to safely alter some of the features. Without this program running, the system may crash when changing or altering the settings. See the @{"Installation" link "Installation" 0} section for more information.
@node "worldmap" "World Map Project"
@{b} - WorldMap@{ub}
Select below using the appropriate button to see the world map of all registered MCP users.
Press @{"* here *" system "multiview worldmap.iff"} if you have multiview.
Press @{"* here *" system "display worldmap.iff"} if you have display.
If you are not on the map, then why not register? @{"Registration" link "Registration" 0} is Free!
The file "Worldmap.iff" must be in the same directory as this guidefile to work correctly. You must also have either the program "display" or "multiview" in your directory search path.
This feature may not yet be implemented in this release of MCP guide.@{ui}
@node "fet_wbtitleactive" "WorkBench Title Active"
@{b} - Activate on WBTitle:@{ub}
If you use the Workbench in a low resolution (such as 640x256 points) and open a lot of windows, it can happen that you can't activate the Workbench for picking a menupoint. With this patch it is possible to activate the Workbench by clicking on its TitleBar, since this bar is mostly free from windows.
@{i}NOTE: This function is very useful if you use 'ToolsDaemon'.@{ui}
@node "fet_alerthistory" "Alert History"
@{b} - Alert History:@{ub}
MCP will write every crash into a file 'S:GuruHistory'. Sometimes, for debugging purposes, it is interesting to know which program caused the crash, and what was the exact reason. The generated file is in ASCII format and has the following scheme:
Date : Date and time of the crash.
Task : Which Task caused the crash (also task-address).
Error : the appeared alert.
By : Main group of alert.
Cause : A more exact description of the error.
@{i}NOTE: To get more detailed information about the crash, exactly after the crash, you have to activate the @{"NoGuru" link "fet_noguru" 0} function. If the NoGuru function is switched off, the crash will be added to the GuruHistory file directly after rebooting the machine.
@node "fet_appchange" "Apicon Change"
@{b} - AppChange:@{ub}
Now you are able to change the icons that are created by the programs themselves (AppIcons). You see! Some programs create only the ugly 4-colour icons, which look very bad on MagicWB (or NewIcons). With this patch you can use your own, more pleasing, icons for a particular program. MCP searches in the 'ENV:Sys/' directory for an icon, which has the name 'def_Appname.info' and replaces the old AppIcon with the new one.
@{bg shine}Example@{bg back}:
If you start "PowerPlayer," MCP tries to open the icon 'def_Powerplayer.info' from the 'ENV:Sys/' directory as an AppIcon replacement.
@node "fet_assignprefs" "Assign Prefs"
@{b} - AssignPrefs:@{ub}
With this function activated, it is finally possible to remove all your Assigns (except ENV:) from the Startup-Sequence and the User-Startup and then enter them into the page "Lists - AssignPrefs". If you are a former user of "AssignManager" or "AssignPrefs", you can let your Assigns be converted at installation by the included converter program. The converted Assigns will be entered automatically to the configfile of MCP.
A very interesting thing is the Assign-Late option. If you have a lot of programs on your HD, the amount of Assigns is likely to be very large. An annoying thing is that you have to scroll every time you open a ReqTools-Requester and press the RMB to show all volumes. The AssignLate function makes the assign only valid, if it is needed the first time. AssignLate is a function, supported directly by the system, and should be used often. All directories by AssignLock will be created automaticly by MCP, so you must not create these with MakeDir. Also all subdirectories will be created!!
As a additional function you can set global ENV-variables for a couple of assigns. If you start MCP and the given ENV-variable is set ('1', 'YES' or 'ON') then the next assigns are executed. Is the ENV-variable is cleared ('0', 'NO' or 'OFF') then the next assigns will be skipped. A ENV-variable is valid until the next ENV-variable. If you want allow all variables, you must select the 'VAR'-type and give it no name. In the Listview you will see 'everytime' !!
Below is information pertaining to the additional gadgets, affecting this function. These other gadgets are located on the page "Lists - AssignPrefs". On the "Lists - AssignPrefs" page you enter all the assigns, which should be done, when starting MCP. The 'AssignPrefs' function has to be active to unghost this page. The ListView shows all your entered assigns.
The ListView is classified as follows:
left : the device to be assigned
middle: type of assign
right : path of the assign
An Example: Pinball --> LATE --> dh0:Games
For adding a new assign, you have the following possibilities:
1. Click onto 'New'.
In the left stringgadget, you can enter the device to be assigned.
In the right stringgadget, you should enter the path of the assign,
or choose it by requester. With the cyclegadget you can choose the
type of assign.
or 2. Click on 'Add System-Assign'.
A new window will open, where you can choose an assign from the
system assign list. This is very important in combination with the
'AssignWedge' function, because the assign is valid in the system.
The following types of assigns are possible:
Late - the assign is done, if the device is called
Path - normal assign (name to path)
Lock - normal assign, but the path-directory is protected from
deletion. If the directory doesn't exists, it will created.
Add - adding an assign to an existing one
Var - ENV-Variable for the assigns
For changing the adjustments of an assign, you have only to pick it from the "ListView". Now you can change the name, path or type. With the 'Delete' gadget you may delete an assign from list.
MCP should really be installed in the way, described in the @{"Installation" link "Installation" 0} section. Since some Assigns have to be done before IPrefs is started, an early start of the MCP is recommended.
The only assign that is not allowed to be entered into the list is the "ENV:" assign, since MCP loads its configurationfile from there.@{ui}
@node "fet_assignwedge" "Assignment Wedge"
@{b} - AssignWedge:@{ub}
Who has never been annoyed by installing a new piece of software, running it and getting the message:
'Please insert volume ??? into any drive.'
Until there was AssignWedge, you had to open a shell and had to assign or mount the needed drive by hand. After that, you had to start the program again. Now, this hassle is over. This function extends the former requester by adding some gadgets with the following meaning:
Assign : Chooses a directory by a filerequester and adds it to
the systems assigning list.
Mount : Tries to mount the wanted device.
Deny : Suppresses the message requester, everytime a call is
made to this device.
@{i}NOTE: The devices added by the 'Assign' gadget should be added to your @{"AssignPrefs" link "fet_assignprefs" 0}, if you need them regularly. This extended requester does not support the Locale system function at this time. If you use ARQ then you should insert "ARQ" after @{"PatchControl" link "supportprograms" 0}. (e.g. c:PatchControl ARQ)@{ui}
@node "fet_borderblank" "Border Blanker"
@{b} - BorderBlank:@{ub}
Switches the grey screen border into black.
@node "fet_cachefont" "Cachefont"
@{b} - Cachefont:@{ub}
If you have a large "FONTS" directory and go to pick a font from a font requester, it most likely takes a long time until you can really pick the font. The wait is over! MCP will create a list of fonts. This list will be called everytime a program calls the 'AvailFonts'- system function. CacheFont is 100% replacement for 'AvailFonts'!
To generate the fontlist, you have to edit this function in the prefsprogram. Then a new window will open, asking you, if you want to create a fontlist.
@{i}NOTE: If new fonts are copied to the "FONTS" drawer or some old ones are deleted, a new fontlist will need to be created. Once recreated, the fontlist will reflect the changes when a fontrequester is opened.@{ui}
@node "fet_capsshift" "CapsShift"
@{b} - CapsShift:@{ub}
If "CapsLock" is active and you press the Shiftkey then the Shiftfunction will be deactivated, that called all letters will small.
@node "fet_centerscreen" "Center Screen"
@{b} - CenterScreens:@{ub}
This function will center screens that are opened in an Overscan screen mode but have a smaller resolution. E.g. if a Screen is opened in a resolution of 640*480 but in VideoOverscan mode (656*495), it will be placed in the exact middle of this (656*495), instead of in the upper left corner.
@node "fet_wbtitle" "WorkBench Title"
@{b} - Change WBTitle:@{ub}
With this function it is possible to configure and to extend your WBTitleBar to your own desire. To change the WBTitleBar, you have to edit this function. A new window will open where you can change the entered value. How much you can enter belongs to the used font (the best is a proportional font) and to the width of the screen.
The following values are possible:
%os = Kickstart version (e.g. 3.0)
%wb = Workbench version (e.g. 3.0)
%ov = exact Kickstart version (e.g. 39.106)
%wv = exact Workbench version (e.g. 39.29)
%ft = free memory together
%fc = free ChipMemory
%ff = free FastMemory
%Ft = free memory together (in KBytes)
%Fc = free ChipMemory (in KBytes)
%Ff = free FastMemory (in KBytes)
%FT = free memory together (in MBytes)
%FC = free ChipMemory (in MBytes)
%FF = free FastMemory (in MBytes)
%fr = free RetinaRam
%Fr = free RetinaRam (in KBytes)
%FR = free RetinaRam (in MBytes)
%fv = free VMMRam
%Fv = free VMMRam (in KBytes)
%FV = free VMMRam (in MBytes)
%pt = percentage of free memory together
%pc = percentage of free ChipMemory
%pf = percentage of free Fast Memory
%PT = percentage of full memory together
%PC = percentage of full ChipMemory
%PF = percentage of full Fast Memory
%lt = largest free block of all memory
%lf = largest free block of FastMemory
%lc = largest free block of ChipMemory
%rc = percentual fragmentation of ChipMemory
%rf = percentual fragmentation of FastMemory
%nt = number of running tasks
%nl = number of open libraries
%ns = number of open screens
%np = number of open ports
%nd = number of open devices
%pr = type of processor
%cp = type of co-processor
%cs = type of GfxChipSet
Between the above values you can put whatever characters you want.
You should insert a sufficient number of spaces between the single
values, to make it easier to read.
@{i}NOTE: MCP tries to identify the old WBTitleBar by searching for 'Amiga' at the beginning of the ScreenTitle. If this fails the function has no effect.@{ui}
@node "fet_copymenquick" "CopyMemQuick"
@{b} - CopyMemQuick:@{ub}
This patch replaces the system function 'CopyMem' and 'CopyMemQuick' by a highly optimized Movem- or Move16-Copyloop (if possible).
@{i}NOTE: Should always be switched on for the maximum of RAM-performance.@{ui}
@node "fet_crunchpatch" "CrunchPatch"
@{b} - CrunchPatch:@{ub}
This function activates the tasks entered on the page "Lists - Crunch Patch", so that they can decrunch packed files. The idea was grown from the fact that many programs are not able to load crunched files or are only able to support some named packers.
The following crunchers are supported:
* PowerPacker
* XPK (no encrypted files)
* StoneCracker
* Imploder
* Crunchmania
If some of these packers are supported by the program, they should be switched off for every single task. This option is useful, since it prevents the decrunching of files twice, and so it saves time.
On the side 'Lists - CrunchPatch' you can add all Tasks, which will decrunched or protected from decrunch. You have the choice to allow decrunching for some programs or you can allow all tasks to decrunch and protect the selected.
If 'CrunchPatch' is active then the named tasks will be able to load crunched files. For entering a new task, you have to press the 'Add' gadget. Now you can choose a task from the system task list or enter one into the String gadget. The name may be entered with patterns (e.g. #?). You shouldn't do this with slow machines or if you have many tasks in the list.
If you pick a task in the "ListView" you can change the following:
EDIT - edit the name of the task
DELETE - the picked task may be killed from list
All packers with an active checkmark will be recognized automatically and the crunched files will be decrunched. If the task supports one or more of these packers, you should deactivate these gadgets. Otherwise you will waste time decrunching the same file twice.
@{i}NOTE: To use the MCP-decrunch-support, you must have the library for each one of the packers. If one library is missing, that packer won't be supported.@{ui}
@node "fet_defpubscreen" "Default Public Screen"
@{b} - DefaultPubScreen:@{ub}
With this function the frontmost screen will become the default Public screen (if he is one). All requesters will now appear on this screen and not on the Workbench screen. If the frontmost screen is not a Public Screen, the Workbench Screen will be set to Default.
@node "fet_wildstar" "Wildstar"
@{b} - Wild Star:@{ub}
If this function is activated, you may use the '*' instead of the '#?' as a wildcard.
@node "fet_noclick" "Drive NoClick"
@{b} - Drive-NoClick:@{ub}
This function switches off the floppy click. Every drive can be switched individually. To change the adjustment, you have to edit the function. A new window will open, where you can, now, change the drive adjustments.
@{i}NOTE: Does not work with very old drives!@{ui}
@node "fet_fontsearch" "FontSearch"
@{b} - Fontsearch:@{ub}
If a font couldn't be opened, MCP will try to open the font from the system fonts directory. Useful for those programs that search only in their root-directory for fonts files.
@{i}NOTE: Only standard fonts (#?.font) will be searched. No (e.g.) PS-Fonts.@{ui}
@node "fet_hirespointer" "Force HiresPointer"
@{b} - HiresPointer:@{ub}
This function set the mouse to HiRes forever, so you will never see a LoRes mouse anymore. On AGA-machines it's very annoying, if some old programs uses a LoRes mouse.
@node "fet_forcenewlook" "Force NewLook"
@{b} - ForceNewLook:@{ub}
With this function the colors of all the menus are set to 'NewLook' (3.xx standard). The function works only with kickstart 3.x and it can not be used along with MagicMenu, because MagicMenu uses own Menucolors.
@node "fet_formatprotect" "FormatProtect"
@{b} - Format Protect:@{ub}
The entered device will be protected from formatting by mistake. This feature also protects from formatting by some viruses. To change the device, you have to edit the FormatProtect function. A new window will open and you can enter the device name. (This adjustment is case sensitive!!)
@{i}NOTE: Consider carefully, which device you want to protect because only one device can be protected.@{ui}
@{fg shine}@{bg shadow}WARNING:@{fg text}@{bg back} A QuickFormat will be successful because this part of the formatprogram does not call the device program, it only writes some blocks.
@node "fet_movewindow" "Movewindow"
@{b} - Move full windows:@{ub}
It is possible (fully systemfriendly) to move the windows filled. The speed of moving rests on the following factors:
- size of window
- number of windows laying over another
- the blitter- and the processor-speed
To change the adjustments, you have to edit the function and in the opened window you can make the following adjustments:
max. Surfacesize:
here you enter the maximum size of the window that will be moved
filled. If the window is larger than this value, the window will
be moved normally. This size value is computed by 'width * height'
of the window (e.g. 200 * 100 = 20000).
only WB-Windows:
only Workbench windows (with icons inside) will be moved filled.
Program windows will be moved normally.
@{i}NOTE: On systems with a fast Gfx-Board (e.g. Cybervision64) the windows move nearly in realtime.@{ui}
@node "fet_sizewindow" "SizeWindow"
@{b} - Size full windows:@{ub}
This function makes it possible to enlarge/reduce the size of a window filled (fully systemfriendly). For more detailed information, please refer to the section '@{"Move full windows" link "fet_movewindow" 0}'. The entry 'Surface size' is not available to this function.
@node "fet_hotkeys" "Hotkeys"
@{b} - Hotkeys:@{ub}
With this function the internal 'HotKeys' (e.g. 'ClickToFront') will be activated. The settings can be made on the 'Hotkeys' side. On this side you can edit all settings for the internal and external Hotkeys.
@{bg shine} "ListView" is divided as follows:@{bg back}
ActivateWindow :
This 'Hotkey' activates the window under the mousepointer.
ClickToBack :
This "Hotkey" will send the active window to back.
ClickToFront :
This "Hotkey" will bring the active window to front.
Close Active Window :
Closes the active Window.
Cold Reset :
A HARD RESET of your Amiga. Kills all RESET surviving programs
and will set the MMU to off (if available).
CycleScreens :
You may cycle the Screens with this "Hotkey".
CycleWindows :
You may cycle the windows with this "Hotkey".
ExecuteCommand :
With this 'Hotkey' you can execute a Shellcommand. The Shell-
command can be given with the 'Options' gadget.
Fast Reset :
Easy and faaast(!) RESET for the Amiga 1200.
Hold Mouse X / Hold Mouse Y :
Blocks the mousemoving in the X or Y direction respectively.
Hold Mouse X and Y :
Blocks the mousemoving in one direction, where the direction
is given through the last mousemove.
Insert into Inputstream :
This Hotkey puts a given text or/and a keystroke to the
Inputstream. Following formats are supported:
Text: {foofoo}
Keystroke: <CTRL LALT A>
ShiftKey :
You can emulate the Shiftkey. For example you can emulate the
middle mousebutton as the shiftkey.
Start Blanker :
Turns the Blanker on.
Start Dimmer :
Turns the Dimmer on.
System Restore :
Resets the System, if you changed the system status by using
the MCP-ToolTypes.
ZipWindow :
You can emulate the Zoomgadget from a window.
To define a new Hotkey for a function you must click on 'NEW' and on the window you can choose a 'Hotkey', a 'DiskAction' or a 'Timer'. The event on the frontmost page is active !
On the Hotkey-event you must click to 'Sample' and then you can press the (mouse)keys for the function. You must make the mouse and keyinputs separately, though both give later one Hotkey.
Dispose - forbid to forward the Hotkey event. Other programs don't
notice the event, but sometimes it's also usefull to pass
the hotkey to other programs.
Repeat - The function will executed multiple times if you hold
down the hotkey. This is very important for the 'Insert
into Inputstream', because the text or the keystrokes
will be executed multiple times.
If you have active the 'DiskAction' then you can execute a function if you insert or remove a disk. (Try to insert or remove a disk while this side is active :)
With the 'Timer' you can start a function at a 'StartTime' and again after the 'RepeatTime'. The 'StartTime' is the delay after the start from MCP to execute the function first and the 'Repeattime' is the time in seconds to start the function again.
@node "fet_leftymouse" "LeftyMouse"
@{b} - LeftyMouse:@{ub}
The left and right mousebuttons will be exchanged. For left-hander it's important, because without this function it's not possible to work reasonable.
@node "fet_libsearch" "Library Search"
@{b} - LibrarySearch:@{ub}
Unfortunately some programs need their own library directory and do load their library only from there. With this patch you may move all libraries to the 'LIBS:' directory to prevent useless doubled library files. It's also possible to create a 'libs directory in a program's directory. Library Search will search for libs in 'PROGDIR:libs/' also. You can sort the libs of a program and if you delete that program, you could delete the porgrams libraries as well.
@{i}NOTE: First the program will try to load the library at the place the program wants to have it, then, if it fails, MCP starts a new fetch in the 'LIBS:' directory.@{ui}
@node "fet_lockpatch" "LockPatch"
@{b} - LockPatch:@{ub}
This patch checks the parameter to the dosfunction Lock to prevent invalid values. Some programs call this function with illegal parameters, although are only two valid parameter.
@node "fet_mapumlauts" "MapUmlauts"
@{b} - MapUmlauts:@{ub}
This function converts the german Umlauts automaticly to the following strings: 'ae', 'oe', 'ue' oder 'ss'. If you type an Umlaut (or use a Snap) you will get the converted chars.
@node "fet_memorypatch" "Memory Patch"
@{b} - Memory Patch:@{ub}
With this function you can assign a memorytype to a task. You can give a special task only ChipMem or only FastMem.
This function is very usefull for owners of a Gfx-Card, because the processor from the Gfx-Board can use also FastRam. With a good Workbench emulation you can give FastRam to almost all programs, with the following advantages:
- you are able to open big 256-colour-screens, even if you are low
on ChipRAM (512k or 1MB)
- it increases the system speed partial extremely (e.g. you need
barely processor time if the User-Programs of EaglePlayer are
situated in FastRAM)
This patch shows, impressively, how good a WB-Emulation of a Gfx-Board is working without ChipRAM. If you use this patch, you have to have a look at the following:
- all Screens which should run on an AmigaScreen have to be entered
at the page "Lists - ChipMem".
- if you want to have a mouse arrow at the AmigaScreens (usually
yes), you have to add the task 'IPrefs' to the list
- all programs, which resort to the sound hardware (e.g. all
soundplayers) have to be added too.
- you should let promote all AmigaScreens automatically to
graphicscreens with the Promotor function (to prevent useless grey
For adding a new task, you simply edit the function and click on the 'Add' gadget. A new window will open, where you can pick a task from the system task list or enter one into the stringgadget by hand.
If you pick a task from the list, you have the following gadgets at your disposal:
EDIT - edit the name of the task
DELETE - kill the picked task from the list
@{i}NOTES: If you have a grey screen after Reset you have an error in your list.@{ui}
@node "fet_mousespeeder" "Mousespeeder"
@{b} - MouseSpeeder:@{ub}
This function speeds up the mouse movement. To change the adjustment, you have to deactivate (if active) and then activate the checkmark. A new window will open where you can do the following:
This is the resolution of the MouseSpeeder How much the
pointer will move in relation to the amount that the mouse
is moved. (To use the acceleration feature, this gadget must
be set for 2 or more points).
This is the factor of acceleration.
@node "fet_tooltypes" "ToolTypes"
@{b} - Tooltypes:@{ub}
This function is particularly useful, if you want to start games or demos directly from Workbench and those games don't like your system configurations! You enter the new functions as tooltypes just like the normal AmigaDos toolypes.
You can enter the following @{u}Tooltypes@{uu} to the icons:
MCPNOVBR: sets the VBR to 0
MCPNOICACHE: switches off the InstructionCache of the CPU
MCPNODCACHE: switches off the DataCache of the CPU
MCPNOIBURST: switches off the InstructionBurst mode of the CPU
MCPNODBURST: switches off the DataBurst mode of the CPU
MCPNOCOPYBACK: switches off the CopyBack mode of 68040/60 CPU
MCPNOCYBER: switches the CyberVision64 GfxBoard to AmigaScreen
MCPNOAGA: switches the AGA-ChipSet to OCS-Mode (KillAGA)
MCPPAL: switches the Screenmode to PAL
The system can be switched back to the original state by pressing the SystemRestore Hotkey.
@{i}NOTE: We received many mails, telling us 'Ambermoon' is not working with MCP. The failure is not in MCP. It is the VBR in the FastRAM. With that game (and many other too), you should enter MCPNOVBR into the icon, or switch it off by hand.@{ui}
@node "fet_newedit" "NewEdit"
@{b} - NewEdit:@{ub}
Now you can better control stringgadgets. At this time MCP supports the following keystrokes:
'ALT' + 'Cursor left' - move Cursor one word to left
'ALT' + 'Cursor right' - move Cursor one word to right
'ALT' + 'Backspace' - Cursor clears the left word
'ALT' + 'Delete' - Cursor clears the right word
@node "fet_nocapslock" "NoCapsLock"
@{b} - No Capslock:@{ub}
Disables the "CapsLock" key. When activated, if you press it, nothing will happen. This is a nice feature for those of you that are frequently hitting the "CapsLock" key (when you don't want to) while typing away.
@node "fet_noguru" "No Guru"
@{b} - NoGuru:@{ub}
This function extends the system-crash-request and offers more possibilities to choose. If a program crashes, a window with the following contents appears:
@{u}upper part@{uu}:
Task : Address and name of the task, crashed.
Error : which GURU has occurred.
By : Main group of alert.
Cause : more detailed description of the GURU.
PC : Address of the ProgramCounter.
D0-D7 : Content of the data register.
A0-A7 : Content of the address register.
@{u}lower part@{uu}:
Continue - Continue execution of the program.
Suspend - Program will be frozen (but stays in memory).
Remove - Program will be removed from memory and all windows
and screens, belonging to the program will be
removed from system too.
Change PC - Address of ProgramCounter can be changed.
Jump to RTS - Jumps to a RTS.
Reboot - Resets the system.
If the Guru should be saved, you can enter a delay, to prevent a crash while it writes to the GuruHistory file. First it will be written, then the entered delay time begins and then the requester will appear. You can adjust this by deactivating (if active) the checkmark, and then activate it again. If the Guru should not be saved you can enter this in the appearing window too.
@{i}NOTE: If the function 'AlertHistory' is active, every Guru will be written into the GuruHistory file in the selected Directory. If you know more Gurus, please inform us!@{ui}
@node "fet_notapaz" "No Topaz"
@{b} - NoTopaz:@{ub}
With this function, the standard Topaz font will be exchanged with a new one. For changing the font, you have to edit the function. A new window will open, where you can adjust the font.
@{i}NOTE: The font must be 8 points high and also 8 points wide. It also can't be a proportional font.@{ui}
@node "fet_onereq" "OneReq"
@{b} - OneReq:@{ub}
When the Reqtools-Patch function is active, it is not necessary to hold the whole ASL-library in the memory, because most functions will be replaced through the Reqtools-library. The new '_ASL.library' is only 452 bytes and needs therefore only 1 percent of the memory. If a program needs a function from the original ASL.library, the new library will call the old ASL.library. The new library saves a lot of memory, because only the Screenmode and the Fontrequester must call the old library.
@node "fet_patchopenwb" "PatchOpenWorkBench"
@{b} - PatchOpenWB:@{ub}
This patch is only necessary, if you run Kickstart 3.0. An error in the system, which may occur when opening the Workbench program, will be removed. If a task with a priority of =<0 starts the Workbench program, the system will hang up. If this patch is switched on, the priority will be set to 1, the WorkBench will be started and finally the task will be set to its former priority.
@node "fet_patchrgb32" "PatchRGB32"
@{b} - PatchRGB32:@{ub}
This patch is only useful if you have a Gfx-Board, Kickstart 3.x and no AGA-Chipset (e.g. A2000/Kickstart 3.x/PicassoII). This patch removes a BUG in the Kickstart 3.x, so that everytime a 24-bit palette is used.
@{i}NOTE: This function has no meaning on other machines; however if the patch is not used in conjunction with the above stated hardware, it could happen that the colors appear false.@{ui}
@node "fet_pointerblank" "Pointerblank"
@{b} - PointerBlanker:@{ub}
The mouse arrow can be switched off after an entered time or by pressing a key (KeyBlank). The mouse arrow is switched on again by moving the mouse. Especially if you write texts, it is sometimes disturbing that the arrow is in the middle of the screen and blocks the reading of the text underneath. The KeyBlank function is therefore interesting, since it switches off the mouse arrow when you use the keyboard. The adjustments are changeable on the @{"Blanker Page" link "fet_blankerpage" 0}.
@{i}NOTE: You must give a zero to the blanktime if you want only blank the mousepointer with a keypress.@{ui}
@node "fet_pointerpatch" "PointerPatch"
@{b} - PointerPatch:@{ub}
This function is another extraordinary feature of the MCP. Now it is (for the first time!) possible, to use a 16-colour Mouse arrow on the Amiga. To change the Mouse arrow, you have to edit this function. A new window will open, where you can choose a 16-colour IFF picture with the gadget 'Generate' (first for the normal MousePointer and second time for the BusyPointer).
@{u}To properly generate a pointer You have to care about the following:@{uu}
- If you have an OCS/ECS machine: the arrow must be smaller or the
same as 16 points wide and 24 points tall.
- If you have an AGA machine: the arrow must be smaller or the same
as 32 points wide and 48 points tall.
Larger sizes are not supported by the system! If the picture is larger than this resolution, MCP will crop the left upper corner in the width and height of the size that the machine can use.
The 16-colur arrow does not work with a VGA-Only Monitor, since only one sprite is possible with VGA-Only. Nevertheless, if you want to use it with VGA-Only, you should use our Monitor package.
We welcome any nice MousePictures sent to us. It would be very kind if you would allow us to publish these MousePictures. If you don't want to paint your own mouse arrows, you can use the included one.@{ui}
@node "fet_processor" "Processor"
@{b} - Processor:@{ub}
The processor options, situated in the right on the Editwindow, will be activated with this function.
@{u}The single options have the following meaning:@{uu}
VBR to FastMemory: moves the VectorBaseRegister ins FastRAM (010+)
Instruction Cache: switches the CPU InstructionCache (020+)
Data Cache : switches the CPU DataCache (030+)
Copyback : switches the 040/060 CopybackMode (040+)
Instruction Burst: switches the CPU Instruction BurstMode (030only)
Data Burst : switches the CPU Data BurstMode (030only)
@{i}(at the 040/060 'Burst is not switchable,
since it is not switchable by software)@{ui}
Speed Ramsey: Switches the Ramsey-Chip (only A4000) to the
60ns RAM-Mode. The system will only work if the
RAM-Chips are good enough.
@{i}NOTE: If the computer crashes after start of the
MCP, the RAM speed is not high enough and you
should disable this function.@{ui}
FastGary: Switches off the waiting period after the occur
of a BUS-Error. A BUS-Error occurs, if the processor
makes an illegal memory call (means Enforcer-Hit).
(a must for every A4000/030 !!!)
MapROM: The MCP loads an external Kickstart-file and
resets the computer. Works only on Computers with
a MMU (or on an A4000/040).
FastROM: Copies the ROM - Kickstart into FastRAM. Usual
only used on older Amigas with 16-Bit ROMs (A500,600,
(MMU needed)
@{i}NOTE: The functions MapROM and FastROM are still in the developmental phase and can't be switched on as of now.@{ui}
@node "fet_promotor" "Promotor"
@{b} - Promotor:@{ub}
With that checkmark, the Promotor is switched on/off. This is a very complex feature, which leaves (hopefully) nothing open. It was programmed in the way that it can also be used with Gfx-Boards and was tested on a Cybervision and a PicassoII successfully (forget "ChangeScreen"!). There could be entered different tasks, which will be promoted, but you can also enter display-modes, (e.g. NTSC Hires Laced --> Euro72) which will be promoted. Also single screens may be promoted and if you promote named display-modes, you can exclude single tasks from promoting, since otherwise all tasks would be promoted with one named display-mode. Important programs, you should exclude from promotion, are the OverscanPreferences (e.g. you would change DblPAL instead of the wanted PAL).
Below you can find a list of the adjustments for the promotor. Since the promotor is so complex, this section is divided into five subpages. The priority of working down the pages is in the likelihood of its use.
@{" Task Name " link "fet_promotor_task" 0} @{" Screen Name " link "fet_promotor_screen" 0} @{" No Promote " link "fet_promotor_nopro" 0} @{" Size " link "fet_promotor_size" 0} @{" Display ID " link "fet_promotor_display" 0}
@node "fet_promotor_task" "Task Name"
@{b}Promotor * Task name:@{ub}
Here you enter all the tasks, which should be promoted to a named DisplayMode. To add a new task, simply press 'Add'. A new window will open, allowing you to choose a task from systems task list or enter one into the stringgadget. If you've chosen a task, a ScreenMode requester will open, allowing you to choose a ScreenMode for this task. If a task is picked from the "ListView", you can do the following:
EDIT - edit the taskname
DELETE - kill the task from list
@{u}The checkmarks on the right have the following meaning:@{uu}
AutoScroll - switches on the Autoscroll-Bit for the choosen
Interleave - opens an Interleaved-Bitmap-Screen. That's why the
blitter is able to work faster. (Only works with
system-friendly programs and Kickstart 3.0)
Besides you can determine with the Cyclegadget in which size the screen should open.
To change the Display-Mode of a task afterwards, there is a gadget down from the others for changing the DisplayMode by requester.
@node "fet_promotor_screen" "Screen Name"
@{b}Promotor * ScreenName:@{ub}
Here you enter all the Screennames, you want to be promoted to another named DisplayMode.
Since this is nearly the same as the adjustments for the @{"Promotor Taskname" link "fet_promotor_task" 0}, you should refer there for more detailed information.
@{i}NOTE: Only the AutoScroll checkmark will be available here.@{ui}
@node "fet_promotor_nopro" "No Promote"
@{b}Promotor * NoPromote:@{ub}
Here you enter all the Tasks, you never want to be promoted.
The gadgets have the following meaning:
ADD - You can choose a task from list or enter one into a
EDIT - Edit the name of the chosen task.
DELETE - Kill a task entry from list.
@node "fet_promotor_size" "Size"
@{b}Promotor * Size:@{ub}
Here you can enter the Screen resolutions to be promoted into a named DisplayMode. In the "ListView" there is a "Width x Height" on the left side, and the DisplayMode, to open this resolution with, on the right. By clicking onto 'NEW', you can add a new resolution. You need to enter width and height to the stringgadgets on the bottom left. On the right to this, you can choose a DisplayMode for your entered resolution.
If you choose a resolution from the "ListView", you can change its adjustment or you can delete it by clicking onto 'DELETE'. You can also set an AutoScroll-Bit for the single resolutions you've entered.
@{i}NOTE: Only the AutoScroll checkmark will be available here.@{ui}
@node "fet_promotor_display" "Dispaly"
@{b}Promotor * DisplayID:@{ub}
Here you can promote a named DisplayID into another one. In the "ListView, there is the to-be-promoted-DisplayID on the left side, and the to-be-promoted-to-DisplayID on the right. By clicking onto 'NEW', you can add a new DisplayID. On the bottom of the window you will now be able to choose the DisplayModes.
If you choose a DisplayID from the "ListView", you can change its adjustments or you can remove it by clicking onto 'DELETE'. You can also set/unset the AutoScroll-Bit for this ScreenModes.
@{i}NOTE: Only the AutoScroll checkmark will be available here.@{ui}
@node "fet_prophack" "PropHack"
@{b} - PropHack:@{ub}
If you activate this function, then all Gadtools-Proportional-Gadgets (like Slider and Scroller) will be showed in three dimensions. The new objects will installed system conforming, so that PropHack should work with all programs. With the FixSizeX and FixSizeY values you can influence the size of the arrows.
@node "fet_pubmodes" "PubModes"
@{b} - PublicScreenModes:@{ub}
The two options of this function can change the modes from the PuplicScreens.
Shanghai - ever opens a new Puplicwindow on the actual PublicScreen.
PopPub - If a window opens on a Publicscreens then this screen will
be popped to front.
@node "fet_quicklayers" "QuickLayers"
@{b} - QuickLayers:@{ub}
With this function all window operations will be accelerated. Some functions of the "layers.library" will be replaced and a recognizable higher speed of moving (enlarging, reducing, opening, and closing of windows) will be reached.
@node "fet_quiettd" "Quiet Track Disk Device"
@{b} - QuietTD:@{ub}
Here you can enter the value of retries, if a Read/Write Error occurs (value 10 is preferenced by the system). This option is very useful, if you use MS-DOS disks. If you mount devices like PC0:, you have the problem, that a new inserted disk takes very long to be identified. Now you can set the value of retries to 1 or 3 and the disk will be identified much faster. If you want to change the adjustment, you have to edit this function and you can adjust the value from 1 to 20 in the opened window.
@node "fet_rtpatch" "ReqTools Patch"
@{b} - ReqToolsPatch:@{ub}
This function changes the system vectors in a way that all system messages and requesters will be opened from the 'reqtools.library'. This function is a replacement for the requester replacement function in 'RTPatch' and 'ReqChange'. In addition to this, some minor bugs (mostly in RTPatch) have been removed. The AssignWedge function of 'ReqChange' is also implemented to MCP! To get to the hidden gadgets that access the various library patches, you have to edit this function on the mainpage and then you can choose the checkmarks for each of the 'Intuition-', 'Asl-', 'Arp-' and 'Req-' libraries. In addition to this, it is possible to open the requesters in exactly the size, adjusted by the ReqTools Preferences program. The ARQ mode allows the requester patch to use the ReqToolsPatch and ARQ together.
If you use ARQ then you must give the 'ARQ' option to PatchControl.
ARQ is the animated requesters package written by Martin Laubach. The latest version (ARQ183.lha) is available at any Aminet sight and on many BBS's.
RTPatch is a requester enhancement package written by Nico Francois.
ReqChange is a tool to facilitate the using of requesters by falling back on ReqTools-Requester. The program was written by Magnus Holmgren and is available at any Aminet sight and on many BBS's, too.@{ui}
@node "fet_reqtimeout" "Requestor Timeout"
@{b} - Requester Timeout:@{ub}
This function allows you to answer different Requesters after a specified period of time. The requesters can be specified by the following features:
Title: pattern of requestertitle
BodyText: pattern of text inside the requester
Gadget: pattern of the gadgets.
If the Requester was identified by MCP, the time specified in 'Timeout' will be waited, and then the gadget, defined by 'Gadget number' will be pressed.
The RequesterTimeout page defines the requesters to be effected. If you want to add a new requester, simply press the 'New' gadget. The requester can be determined by the following entries:
Title : pattern text for the requester titlebar
BodyText: pattern text for the requester text
(All <RETURNS> must be replaced by a '#?'. You must also take
care that no '"' is in the pattern text. Usually a small
part of this text will be enough to recognize the requester)
Gadgets : pattern text for the gadgets
(The single gadgets have to be connected by a '#?'!)
You don't need to enter all entries, if the requester is determined exactly by the entries you made. If an entry is defined, ALL requesters will be answered after the selected period of time. The delay time of terminating the requester may be in seconds by the entry 'TimeOut'. If you enter a '0', the requester will not appear, since it is answered immediately. The value in the entry 'Gadget' is the synonym for the gadget to be pressed. The value '0' represents the most right one gadget. The other gadgets can be determined by counting the gadgets starting with the most left one, beginning with value '1'.
@{bg shine}Example:@{bg back}
| Request |
| Demo Requester |
| ________ _______ __________ |
| | SAVE | | USE | | CANCEL | |
The requester should press the following gadgets automatically:
SAVE: GadgetNumber = 1
USE: GadgetNumber = 2
CANCEL: GadgetNumber = 0
@{i}NOTE: Only ReqTools requesters can be answered. Thats why it is recommended to activate the @{"ReqToolsPatch" link "fet_rtpatch" 0}.@{ui}
@node "fet_savegirport" "SaveGIRPort"
@{b} - SaveGIRPort:@{ub}
This patch improve the ObtainGIRPort routine, so that for example MagicMenu doesn't hang. Because of the additional safety tests, this routine will be a little slower and especially MUI can be slower while scrolling.
@node "fet_screensact" "Screen Activation"
@{b} - ScreenActivate:@{ub}
Who has never been annoyed from bringing a new screen to front and wanting to pick a menu or wanting to edit in a text-editor window and nothing happens. The reason is that the screen isn't active. This function always activates the most front screen automatically.
@{i}NOTE: MCP remembers the last active window and the last active gadget on every screen and if a screen comes to front, it activates this window and this gadget automatically again (should always be switched on).@{ui}
@node "fet_screenblanker" "Screen Blanker"
@{b} - ScreenBlanker:@{ub}
This function enables the usage of a screensaver. At this point in time, all Swazblanker and Garshneblanker modules are supported. In addition, there is a simple Blanker, which brings up a black-coloured screen.
Unfortunately, the preferences of the Swazblanker and Garshneblanker modules have to be adjusted with the Blankerprogram. All the information from this program settings is read at the start of the MCP. If you make any changes to the blankers, after MCP is running, you will have to reload the modules at every blanking, or restart MCP. Unfortunately this extra step is unavoidable.
More settings to the Preferences of the screenblanker are situated on the extra window if you edit this function. There you can select the time in seconds until the blanker will start and in the Listview you can select a blanker. The 'random' blanker choose randomly a blanker from the given and the 'Blank' blanker makes only a black screen.
@node "fet_screendimmer" "Screen Dimmer"
@{b} - ScreenDimmer:@{ub}
With this function a dimmer is switched on. it enables the soft dimming of the most front screen, as long as you do not move the mouse or press any key in the entered time. Especially on machines with the new AGA-Chip-Set it looks very good when the screen is dimmed slowly before the screen is fully blanked. Furthermore it has the advantage of ableness controlling some actions in this time (e.g. Error-Requesters).
If you edit the function then you get a new window and you can make the following settings:
Time - Is the time until the blanker starts
Dimm depth - is the depth, to be faded to (adjustable from 1-250)
0=no dimming, 255=black
Dimm delay - delay between the dimming steps in 1/50 secs.
0=no delay 255=255/50 secs delay
Dimm step - number of steps to be dimmed at once.
1 = 1 step 255 = 255 steps (if possible)
@{i}NOTE: On AGA-machines you should enter 1 for the DimmStep value and a 4 on GfxBoards for a soft fading. Under Kickstart2.x you can only choose from 1 to 15. Besides only WB-Modes will be promoted (no 24Bit Modes).@{ui}
@node "fet_screensmenu" "ScreensMenu"
@{b} - ScreensMenu:@{ub}
If you press RMB on the ScreenDepthGadget, a pull down menu will show all the available screens. You can now choose a screen to be brought to front. This function is particularly useful, if you have a lot of screens open, because you can jump directly to that screen.
@node "fet_setdripens" "SetDriPens"
@{b} - SetDRI pens:@{ub}
Do you know screens and windows that look flat? Is the depth gadget or a file requester painted in only one color? This function changes this behaviour (it should be activated always).
This function does not change the look of the window. Only the pens are reset to more 3d-looking values. SetDRI pens should also be used together with 'SysIHack' or other programs, since they mostly do not set the pens correctly themselves.
@{i}NOTE: This feature of course only works if the screen has 4 or more colors.@{ui}
@node "fet_shapeshifter" "ShapeShifter"
@{b} - ShapeShifter:@{ub}
This function makes a couple of advantages if you use the program 'ShapeShifter'. If you edit this function you can choose the following settings:
LockTask - If a Amigascreen is in the foreground then the
ShapeShifter will be freezed to protect the
Amigascreen from overwriting if you have a
graphics card.
NoBlanker - If the ShapeShifter screen is in the foreground,
then the MCP Blanker will be disabled to prevent
@node "fet_sunoptions" "Sunoptions"
@{b} - SunOptions:@{ub}
With this feature it is possible to activate some of the following options:
SunMouse: activates the window below the mouse arrow
SunPoptoFront: brings the window below the mouse arrow to front.
SunKey: activates the window below the mouse arrow, if a
key is pressed.
The adjustments are reachable by editing the function. On the left side, there are the checkmarks for (de)activating the single functions. With the sliders on the right, you can adjust the delay for SunMouse and SunPoptoFront. If you want to activate the windows by using SunPoptoFront, you have to activate SunMouse too. This allows it to activate the window immediately but bring it to the front a second later.
@{i}NOTE: The delay is displayed in 1/10 sec.@{ui}
@node "fet_wbclock" "WorkBench Clock"
@{b} - WBClock:@{ub}
This is a freely configurable WorkbenchTitleBar-Clock. If you edit this function, you can configure the clock. In the first line, you can choose the way the clock will look. On the lower lines, you can enter the position (x;y) orientated to the left or right screen border. Since the clock is for the ScreenTitleBar you may see nothing if your y-co- ordinate is to large. You can also choose the font for the Clock. Proportional fonts are allowed. If you choose no font, the Screen- Title-Font will be used. The last checkmark is for adjusting the clock, whether the clock opens on the most front screen, or fixed on the Workbench screen.
@node "fet_toolalias" "Tools Alias"
@{b} - ToolAlias:@{ub}
Who hasn't been annoyed by not being able to (e.g.) view a documentation by double clicking on its icon, because the path in the "Default Tool" in its icon is wrong? With this function it is possible to change the default tools, in the icons, into other ones, named in the list on page "Lists - ToolAlias" (e.g. #?more --> C:PPMore). The "Default Tool" is only virtually changed, if a program reads the tooltype. The original "Default Tool" will remain on the medium. The 'new' "Default Tool" will only be shown if a program is started via icon or the icon is shown (WBInfo, Swazinfo, ...).
Below is the information on the additional gadgets found on the page "Lists - ToolAlias". On this page all the Default Tools are entered, which should be replaced by other ones. In the "ListView" there are entered all AliasTools. To add one, you have to press 'New'. Now you can enter the Default Tool, which should be replaced, into the left string gadget. The string gadget on the right is for the Default Tool which should be inserted. You can also choose the new Default Tool by requester. The 'Delete' gadget is for killing a Default Tool from the list. The name of the To-Be-Replaced-Default-Tool may also have some pattern (e.g. #?).
@{i}NOTE: Only the Default Tool will be changed. In contrast with other ToolAlias-programs, the left-side-entered programs are furthermore useable (maybe from shell, if you want).@{ui}
@node "fet_waitvalidate" "WaitValidate"
@{b} - WaitValidate:@{ub}
If MCP starts and a harddisk is validating, then MCP will wait until the end of the validating. The computer can boot normal without any requesters. This is only usefull if MCP is in your Startup-Sequence.
@node "ALiENDESiGN" "Well Done!"
You have found the Secret Part Of This Guide !
May The Force Be With You, And Don't Forget @{b}@{i}AMIGA @{ui}THE RULING QUALITY@{ub}
@node "fet_saveusetest" "SAVE USE TEST CANCEL"
@{b} - SAVE:@{ub}
The adjustments will take hold, saved to "ENVARC:" and the MCP-Prefs will be closed.
@{b} - USE:@{ub}
The adjustments will take hold, and the MCP-Prefs will be closed.
@{b} - TEST:@{ub}
The adjustments will take hold, but the MCP-Prefs will stay open and you may test them.
@{b} - CANCEL:@{ub}
The MCP-Prefs will be closed and no change will be made.
@node "fet_frameihack" "FrameIHack"
@{b} - FrameIHack:@{ub}
This function replaces the frames used by the System (e.g. Buttons). The width of the lines will be change to give it a much better look in 1:1 resolutions.
- check resolution: The resolution of the screen will be check before changing the frame. If there is no 1:1 resolution, nothing will be changed.
@node "fet_sysihack" "SysIHack"
@{b} - SysIHack:@{ub}
The standart systemgadgets will be changed to a more 3D look. This function isn't a full replacement for "sysihack". The tool "sysihack" features more functions then only change some buttons.
@{i}NOTE: Don't start the original program "sysihack" if this functions is enabled! @{ui}
@node "index" "INDEX"
@{" About MUI " link "muifo" 0}
@{" ALERTHISTORY " link "fet_alerthistory" 0}
@{" APPCHANGE " link "fet_appchange" 0}
@{" ASSIGNPREFS " link "fet_assignprefs" 0}
@{" ASSIGNWEDGE " link "fet_assignwedge" 0}
@{" Authors " link "Authors" 0}
@{" BORDERBLANK " link "fet_borderblank" 0}
@{" CACHEFONT " link "fet_cachefont" 0}
@{" CAPSSHIFT " link "fet_capsshift" 0}
@{" CENTERSCREEN " link "fet_centerscreen" 0}
@{" COPYMEMQUICK " link "fet_copymenquick" 0}
@{" CRUNCHPATCH " link "fet_crunchpatch" 0}
@{" DEFPUBSCREEN " link "fet_defpubscreen" 0}
@{" Developers " link "Developer" 0}
@{" Display ID " link "fet_promotor_display" 0}
@{" Distribution " link "Distribution" 0}
@{" Features " link "Features" 0}
@{" FixJump " link "fixjump" 0}
@{" FRAMEIHACK " link "fet_frameihack" 0}
@{" FONTSEARCH " link "fet_fontsearch" 0}
@{" FORCE NEWLOOK " link "fet_forcenewlook" 0}
@{" FORMATPROTECT " link "fet_formatprotect" 0}
@{" History of MCP " link "historymcp" 0}
@{" History of MCPPrefs " link "historymcpprefs" 0}
@{" History of PatchCtrl " link "historypatchcontrol" 0}
@{" History of Guidefile " link "historyguide" 0}
@{" HIRESPOINTER " link "fet_hirespointer" 0}
@{" HOTCMDS " link "fet_hotcomands" 0}
@{" HOTKEYS " link "fet_hotkeys" 0}
@{" INDEX " link "Index" 0}
@{" Installation " link "installation" 0}
@{" Introduction " link "Introduction" 0}
@{" LEFTYMOUSE " link "fet_leftymouse" 0}
@{" Liability " link "Liability" 0}
@{" LIBSEARCH " link "fet_libsearch" 0}
@{" LOCKPATCH " link "fet_lockpatch" 0}
@{" MAPUMLAUTS " link "fet_mapumlauts" 0}
@{" MEMORY PATCH " link "fet_memorypatch" 0}
@{" MOUSESPEEDER " link "fet_mousespeeder" 0}
@{" MOVEWINDOW " link "fet_movewindow" 0}
@{" New Ideas " link "NewIdeas" 0}
@{" No Promote " link "fet_promotor_nopro" 0}
@{" NOCAPSLOCK " link "fet_nocapslock" 0}
@{" NOCLICK " link "fet_noclick" 0}
@{" NOGURU " link "fet_noguru" 0}
@{" NOTOPAZ " link "fet_notapaz" 0}
@{" ONEREQ " link "fet_onereq" 0}
@{" PATCHOPENWB " link "fet_patchopenwb" 0}
@{" PATCHRGB32 " link "fet_patchrgb32" 0}
@{" POINTERBLANK " link "fet_pointerblank" 0}
@{" POINTERPATCH " link "fet_pointerpatch" 0}
@{" PROCESSOR " link "fet_processor" 0}
@{" PROMOTOR " link "fet_promotor" 0}
@{" PROPHACK " link "fet_prophack" 0}
@{" PUBMODES " link "fet_pubmodes" 0}
@{" QUICKLAYERS " link "fet_quicklayers" 0}
@{" QUIETTD " link "fet_quiettd" 0}
@{" Registration " link "Registration" 0}
@{" Registration Form " link "registrationform" 0}
@{" REQTIMEOUT " link "fet_reqtimeout" 0}
@{" REQTOOLSPATCH " link "fet_rtpatch" 0}
@{" SAVEGIRPORT " link "fet_savegirport" 0}
@{" SAVE * USE * TEST * CANCEL " link "fet_saveusetest" 0}